Wednesday, November 26, 2008

on this Thanksgiving Eve...

Wow, what a week! The time has flown by, and "busy" just doesn't seem to accurately describe the days. Our family is definitely looking forward to a few days of family time!

On this Thanksgiving Eve, we have begun to slow our hearts and minds as we prepare for a special day tomorrow and weekend together. I prepared a few dishes tonight for tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast, and we all made "No-Bake Cookies"--Jon's favorite! Jacob had so much fun! He got to help stir the ingredients, spoon out the cookies, and make it "snow" on the cookies! All without too big of a mess--yeaaaa!!!

We have just settled down with a movie, popcorn, and of course, our cookies. You're suppose to get to stay up late on "vacation" nights, right?

I'm very excited about our meal tomorrow...and of course, the desserts. I'm especially excited about spending the whole day with my precious family!

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